fimmtudagur, 24. febrúar 2011

Þjóðverjum hefur fækkað um 630 þúsund manns á fjórum árum

2010-árbók hagstofu Þýskalands er komin út.


Mynd 1; úr árbókinni: þýski aldurspíramídinn er smám saman að snúast á hvolf og er svo étinn upp innanfrá af mannfjölda sem er af erlendu bergi brotinn. Framtíðarspá hagstofunnar gerir ráð fyrir að aðeins 60-65 milljón manns búi í Þýskalandi árið 2060.

Mynd 2; úr mannfjöldaspálíkani þýsku hagstofunnar. Forsenda: frjósemi 1,2 lifandi fætt barn á hverja konu fram til 2060 (fertility rate). Fólksfækkun: 18 milljón manns frá 2005 til 2060.

Graf 3; Sögulegt frjósemi þýskra og japanskra kvenna (fertility rate) frá 1960 til 2008. Fjöldi lifandi fæddra barna á æfi hverrar konu.

The Low fertility trap

Þekkið þið þessi einkenni?

eftir Edward Hugh
  1. Ongoing weaknesses in domestic consumer demand
  2. absence of housing booms (since 1995 in the European cases)
  3. Comparatively high rates of personal saving, which then begin to decline
  4. Increasing structural dependence on exports for growth
  5. Lack of attractiveness as a destination for migrants
  6. An increasingly flat wages curve (across time) despite demographically driven labour market tightening
  7. Growing government deficit issues and dilemma's about how to fund
  8. health and pension systems, with a tendency to try and load the cost onto the tax system rather than reducing provision. Lesa áfram 
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Skrif Edwards Hugh

How low can fertility fall?

- The possible ‘low fertility trap’ hypothesis

- Observation that countries that fell below fertility level of 1.5 children have not recovered.

- Negative demographic momentum: Because of past low fertility there will be fewer potential mothers in the future.

- Economics: Gap between aspirations for consumption and expected income widens for young people due to negative consequences of ageing (cuts in social security systems, possible economic stagnation)

- Ideational change: Young people are socialized in an environment with few children and this may result in lower ideal family size in next generation.